Pro. Play Find below the upcoming events. UPCOMING EVENTS

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Adrián Ladrón de Guevara and Jaime Lastra - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1

Certification Taught by Mark Tabbron - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Workshop

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit

ProPlay® International Certification - Level 1,2 and 3.

Certification Taught by Juan Prego - Includes the PLAYMOBIL pro Starter Kit