Pro.Play method
When we talk about role plays, we refer to tools that have been used in working environments for a long time. And also when using apparently children’s toys to achieve results in professional settints as well.
However, perhaps until now the new category that Pro.Play can bring has not been created, using children’s toys to perform role-playing games in 3rd person, living and exploring the interactions and changing the models in real time to learn and improve.
Click on the icons to know the process

How can you use the PLAYMOBIL pro kit?
When you have a problem, solve it by playing.
The Pro.Play® method -created and designed by Juan Prego- allows you to model situations and go beyond stories for interactive interventions. The official PLAYMOBIL pro Kit is accompanied by templates to apply the techniques and tools and extract the maximum value in each dynamic both individually and in small teams and entire organizations.
Literal Models
Useful to apply in storyboarding situations or user journeys.
Metaphorical Models
Useful to represent complex challenges, emotions and beliefs.
Fantastic Models
Useful to stimulate the imagination and enhance innovation and new ideas. It works under the concept of "Living Models" where the model comes alive to perform powerful simulations in all types of situations.
When you have a problem, solve it by playing.
The Pro.Play® method created and designed by Juan Prego, allows modeling situations and going beyond stories to carry out interactive interventions. The official PLAYMOBIL pro Kit is accompanied by templates to apply the techniques and tools and extract the maximum value in each dynamic both individually and in small teams and entire organizations.
Literal Models
Useful to apply in storyboarding situations or user journeys.
Metaphorical Models
Useful to represent complex challenges, emotions and beliefs.
Fantastic Models
Useful to stimulate the imagination and enhance innovation and new ideas. It works under the concept of "Living Models" where the model comes alive to perform powerful simulations in all types of situations.

Design Thinking
Use your kit to improve your Design Thinking sessions, improving empathy, ideation, prototyping or communication of your projects.


Personal development
Use the games to help people overcome their barriers and mental and emotional blockages.

Project Management
Find what it is holding back your teams and apply the principles of Business Agility to radically improve the results.

Explore the past, understand what is happening in the present and design the future of your company in a totally innovative way..

Values and Organizational Culture
Transform the way of impacting the organizational culture by interacting through values in a different way.
Upcoming Trainings
With the new challenges posed by the global pandemic, we have adapted Level 1 to the online environment. Participants wil receive the PLAYMOBIL pro kit directly at home together with the instructions needed to get the most from the virtual session using the different course materials.
The PLAYMOBIL pro kit is fantastic. When I saw it it was love at first sight! Currently PLAYMOBIL pro does not offer any specific guide or official training on how to best use your kit, so I have spent many months creating and designing Pro.Play®, a unique process and toolkit for professionals to maximize the potential of three-dimensional modelling that can be applied to a wide range of situations and organizations.
Juan Prego, Founder of Pro.Play®
Become a Certified Facilitator in Pro.Play®
Get a deeper understanding of your users, customers and partners
Knowing the thoughts, emotions, frustrations and desires of your users, customers and partners is key. Take empathy and user mapping to a whole new level by moving from paper to interactive figures.
Generate disruptive ideas, solve problems, explore the future and innovate while playing
When there are not enough ideas or they are not good enought, try to generate ideas in 3D. Learn how to use the Kit to come up with useful and disruptive ideas.
Enhance agility and improve comunication and team dynamics
What is stopping you and your teams? Redesign the way you work, change processes and bring agility to your organization. "Living Models" allow us to understand hidden dynamics in plain sight and intervene to radically improve the way in which a team or an organization collaborate.
Make better decisions individually and with others
The success or failure of your project may be in the next decision you make. Play with business simulations that will help you make much more effective decisions, taking advantage of the diversity of points of view and get amazing results.